Sometime in 1949, the bar code was invented which set the ball rolling for machine-reading capabilities. ARPANET was used to send the first electronic message in 1969. In 1973, the patent for RFID was awarded. 1974 marked the beginnings of what we know is the core backbone of internet communication; TCP/IP. Universal Product Codes (UPC)...
Why do we need to have a value conversation? Is it not enough to produce great deliverables and services and let the receiver decide on how useful they are to him/her? Unfortunately, it is not. Oftentimes, customers are convinced of the usefulness of a service they have received but are not able to fully articulate...
Before we begin to discuss this subject, it is important to agree on a working definition of value. Obviously, various definitions of value exist. In fact, value is such a subjective aspect that more often than not, it is in the eye of the beholder. So what then, is the definition of value? Merriam-Webster dictionary...