Now that we have landed on the relevant aspects of Valuso’s corporate vision (relevant to Project Nova, that is), let’s start to identify the intended objectives for Nova.
Using the following five vision statements developed earlier (see previous blog post) as an anchor, I developed an exercise that would elicit the needed benefit categories and details to begin developing the value model:
- Manage Human & Intellectual Capital
- Continue Industry Relevance and Leadership
- Sustain Market Share and Fend Off Upstarts
- Increase Customer Base and Satisfaction
- Transform Business Model to Improve Performance
The value levers are shown as different dimensions. Each of the dimensions relate to the five anchor points above:

These eight dimensions are captured in the following bulls-eye depiction. The three concentric circles represent the following:
- Immediate Objectives (Inner)
- Intermediate Objectives (Middle)
- Distant Objectives (Outer)
The picture below is an actual design thinking exercise. As you can see, numerous ideas were generated by eight participants over the span of 20 minutes.

There were way too many ideas to synthesize into a value model effectively. So I used a technique called “Affinity Clustering” to group these benefit areas together.

We will use these six affinity clusters as the main benefit buckets in developing our value model. In future posts, I will show how these benefit buckets will be broken into key value measurements each of which will be calculated through value KPIs.